Ginkgo Forest Winery - Mattawa, WA

We headed further West along the southern border of Washington today to the Whitman Mission National Historic Park near Walla Walla. The Whitmans were some of the first people to travel to the West to be missionaries and convert the Native Americans to Christianity. At first, the Whitmans were welcomed, but after several years of preaching that everyone was a sinner, and after disease devastated the Native Americans, there was an uprising where the Whitmans were killed and became martyrs to justify everything the white settlers wanted to take from the Native Americans. Another sad chapter in our history. 

So, then we went on the the Manhattan Project National Historic Site in Hanford - talk about another sad chapter, but also fascinating. A whole town and a whole nuclear reactor was built in less than 2 years to support the war effort. The effects are still evident and the clean up of the nuclear waste is an ongoing effort. 

Along our route today, we also passed through the town where the Green Giant Company is located. We only know because we saw a figure on the hillside and then saw a roadside display that we had to make a u-turn to go back and see. The giant on the hill is outlined and his vest are done with paving stones. All of which are maintained by local volunteers. I’m glad I’m not on that committee…

After those uplifting activities for the day, we decided to stay at a Harvest Host for the night. If you haven’t heard of this, it is where businesses who have some space for RVs will let you stay for free overnight. Typically, there are no hookups and you are expected to spend $20-30 at the business if you can. Staying at a winery is easy because you can have a wine tasting and that usually covers your obligation, although we usually end up spending more. This winery and its tasting room has Ginkgo and Apple trees in addition to the vines that it grows. It is just fun to try something different at the end of the day…


  1. wow..and the adventure about discovering Americana.....


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