Pebble Beach - Day 2

So, I thought I was cold yesterday - let me tell you, even after adding a whole extra layer, today was so much colder!! Of course, I also worked double shifts and I went from hole #16 which merely had a wind tunnel attached to it, to hole #9 which is on the friggin’ ocean so has its own special wind tunnel!!! Lots of great golf, and I met some great volunteers, and I’m happy to do it all over again tomorrow! Since I was on hole #9 at the end of the day, that was where half of the field finished. It was touching to see some players just make/miss the cut. Also, since we were on the last hole for some, we were worried that we would even get through the field before we lost the light - we did, but just barely! And, my laser ran out of battery for the last three groups - technology !*$^@^#%…It was nice to get back to DuEtte tonight. Since we were back so late, and still a bit frozen, we ended up having our Cup O’ Noodles Soup that we personally made at the Cup O’ Noodles factory in Japan!!


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