Pebble Beach - Day 3

The sun finally came out to play today! I wish the wind would have stayed home (you’d think I would be used to that with where we live, but oh well). Since the field was cut to 74 for the weekend, that meant my shift on 16 started a little later today. That meant, breakfast at the club house! It was a nice way to roll into the day. We were then able to watch a little golf before my shift started. As I was checking in for my shift, they mentioned that they may be a little short handed this afternoon. So, after my shift, I checked in again and they needed me to go out to hole #14. It was nice to have a different vantage point. After the last group came through, I caught up with Nan who was sitting on 16. Then, we went and had dinner at the Lodge - lobster and scallops, a great way to finish off a great day!


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