Sun Outdoors - Day 4

J got up at 0’dark 30 this morning in order to drive the rental to the park & ride in order to catch the shuttle in order to get to the course and have time for coffee and something to eat before her shift started at 7am. Today was all about practicing what I learned at the training last night. Many of the volunteers practiced for nine or so holes and then called it a day. Since this was my first time with this assignment, I wanted to get as many holes under my belt as possible before it really counts. So, I ended up walking all 18. But, that also gave me a sense of the course and how things might go throughout the rounds. The day started off brisk, but then quickly warmed up. This is already so different from the Pebble Beach experience. First off the weather, then no Championship swag (besides our volunteer gear), and only cold muffins for breakfast! Tonight we are heading out for dinner to catch up with an old friend who lives in the area. Then, another early day for both of us as tomorrow is the start of real golf!!

Waverly Country Club:


  1. Club looks beautiful...O'dark hundred not so much..have fun..


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